SS Peter and Paul's Catholic Primary School News

The latest news stories from SS Peter and Paul's Catholic Primary School.


News Stories

  • Keep your child safe with private tutors
    If you are thinking of using a private tutor or tuition centre for your child, then you may want to read a guidance leaflet produced by Redbridge Local Safeguarding Children's Board to help ensure you choose someone who is safe and suitable.
  • MacMillan Coffee Morning
    Just to remind you that we have our MacMillian Coffee Morning tomorrow from 9:15am in the school hall. We will be grateful for any cake donations you can make.
  • NSPCC assembly
    Children from year 1 to year 6 were given access to special assemblies today led by Betty Hojenski from the NSPCC.
  • MacMillan Coffee Morning
    We will be hosting our MacMillan Coffee morning next Friday 29th September at 9:15am in the main school hall.
  • Cycling Engagement Afternoon & Bikeability Training
    Just to remind you that we have our Cycling Engagement Afternoon on Tuesday 26th September for parents and pupils in Year 5 & Year 6.
  • SSPP Prayer Garden
    Artwork created by our pupils for the new prayer garden at SS Peter and Paul's Church was officially unveiled and blessed on the 29th June by Bishop Alan.
  • Photographs on website
    Photographs from SSPP Fun Day, KS1 and KS2 sports days, music concerts and awards ceremonies are now on the website for you to view.
  • SSPP Talent Show 2017
    SSPP's highlight event of the year once again didn't fail to enthral the crowds with another fun-packed line up from our budding artists and entertainers.
  • Adventure Island Reward
    As a reward for those who earned stamps and put in additional effort before SATs, year 6 spent a fun filled day at Southend's Adventure Island
  • Diocesan Centenary Mass
    SSPP's Head girl and Head boy represented our pupils at a special Mass at Brentwood Cathedral last week to mark the centenary of the Diocese of Brentwood.
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