SS Peter and Paul's Catholic Primary School News

The latest news stories from SS Peter and Paul's Catholic Primary School.


News Stories

  • Cycle to School Challenge 5th -16th October
    Please encourage your children to make a special effort to cycle to school during the next fortnight.
  • Year 6 Mass cancelled
    The Year 6 mass on Wednesday 7th October has been cancelled. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
  • Cake sale raises more than £300
    Thanks to a super effort by parents and pupils, our MacMillan Cake Sale raised £324.98 last Friday. Pupils and parents worked hard to whip up a fantastic assortment of delicious cakes and biscuits for our Year 6 children to sell.
  • Cake sale after school today
    There will be a MacMillan cake sale after school today outside our reception.
  • Calling all parents to our MacMillan Coffee Morning tomorrow
    Our MacMillan Coffee Morning will take place tomorrow morning, Friday 25th September at 9:15am in the main school hall. All cake donations will be gratefully received.
  • On-line school payment issues have now been resolved
    If you have experienced difficulties with your Tucasi on-line payment account, these issues have now been resolved. You should now be able to pay £1 for your child to come in non-school uniform tomorrow Friday18th September.
  • Non uniform day- Friday 18th September
    Friday 18th September, for £1.00, children may wear any colour of a team playing in the rugby world cup, instead of school uniform. This should be paid on-line using the parent pay system.
  • Tucasi Codes
    Tucasi codes for online payments and communications
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