SS Peter and Paul's Catholic Primary School News
School News
The latest news stories from SS Peter and Paul's Catholic Primary School.
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News Stories Adventure Island Reward As a reward for those who earned stamps and put in additional effort before SATs, year 6 spent a fun filled day at Southend's Adventure Island Parkrun SSPP athletes complete the 2K parkrun in Central Park, Dagenham.- Year group masses cancelled this term.
Unfortunately, due to the refurbishment work taking place at SS Peter & Paul's Catholic Church, we have had to cancel year group masses for this term. - SSPP September newsletter now on website ready to view
Download the latest copy of our school newsletter to find out what's been happening at SSPP's this month and note important dates and announcements. - Y6 Wizard of Oz
Photographs from the Y6 production of the Wizard of Oz are now on the school website. - Meet the Teacher Meetings revised dates
Please note there has been a change to the meetings for Y2, Y4 and Y6. These meetings will now take place on Wednesday 28th September at 2pm. - Awards Ceremony 2016
Pupils picked up an assortment of awards for English, Mathematics, Science & Technology, The Arts, Sport, School Ambassador and Behaviours for Learning. - Talented youngsters melt heart of judges with moving and mesmerizing performances.
Pupils from Year 3 to Year 6 wowed the audience with their spectacular acts ranging from ballards, Bollywood, and dancenastics to stand-up comedy and street dancing. - Pupils show off their fantastic talents during STEM Week.
Pupils from Nursery to Year 6 showcased their learning during a special event to mark the end of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths week. - Sports Day pictures ready to view!
Photographs from KS1 and KS2 Sports Days are on the website.