SS Peter and Paul's Catholic Primary School News

School News

The latest news stories from SS Peter and Paul's Catholic Primary School.


News Stories

  • CAFOD Big Walk
    Our fundraising 'Big Walk' for CAFOD, will take place on Friday 19th April 2024, on the school field immediately after the children have been collected.
  • Year 6 Easter Booster
    Year 6 parents, you will have received a letter yesterday about the two morning Booster sessions we run during the Easter holidays.
  • Parent Consultations
    Our Teacher - Parent meetings take place today (12th March 2024).
  • World Book Day Reminder
    Next Thursday (7th March) is World Book Day. We are returning to a 'retro' theme of asking the children just to come dressed as a favourite or iconic book character.
  • INSET Days - Advanced Warning
    Please note, the final two INSET Days of this academic year are on Monday 3rd June 2024 and Tuesday 23rd July 2024.
  • Children’s Mental Health Week
    Attached to this news item is a letter regarding activities and events for Children's Mental Health Week. Reminder: The attachment will not display on the mobile app.
  • World Book Day
    This year, we are going a little retro and revisiting an old classic, which is just about celebrating the wonder of books and stories. Further details can be found on your child's Google Classroom.
  • Y6 Parents -Important Meeting
  • Assembly Date Changes
    Please note the switch of dates (which had been previously advertised) for the class assemblies for 1S and 2B.
  • Upcoming Events
    These are just a reminder of some key events and timings over the final few days of the autumn term.
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