
Writing at SSPP is driven by text, purpose and audience.

Our spine of core teaching texts ensure that children are given the chance to study high-quality books and then explore their own writing development with tasks which have meaning.  Aside from some of the component skills required to write (letter formation, handwriting etc) writing is never taught in isolation from reading; it is through the rich exploration of high-quality, age-appropriate texts, that our progression in writing is achieved.

Our full English Overview (showing the texts studied in English and Reciprocal Reading as well as many of the writing outcomes produced in each year group) can be found on our English home page here.


Our Special Writing Journey

Every term, children produce a piece of writing which forms part of their SSPP writing journey.  This begins in Reception and travels with them through to the end of Year 6.

These pieces are built around a theme.  In Autumn, all children work on narrative writing based on a picture stimulus; for Spring they are asked to work on and create a piece of first person writing; in the Summer the theme across the school is focussed on poetry.

These books are a wonderful way of showing children how far they have progressed from their earliest years through to the time where they are ready to make the move onto secondary school.


Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling

Although most of the teaching in these areas is built into the main English lessons - allowing children to develop these in the context of real stories and writing - we do have access to a complete set of 'Rising Stars' resources (Year 1- Year 6) which break down key areas into separate units of work.  These allow for short, focused sessions to help consolidate the children's learning.



SSPP follow the 'Nelson' handwriting scheme across the school.  By the end of their primary school stage of education, it is expected that most children will be writing in pen, in a style that meets government expectations as seen in the Teachers Assessment Framework (TAF).


To view our English Overview page, please click here.

To view details about our Reading curriculum, please click here.
